Veterináři bez hranic

Veterináři bez hranic ČR, o.p.s.; Vétérinaires Sans Frontières Tchéquie


New field project in Chad
Last week, our team represented by dr. Barbora Cervena and dr. Simon Holik got back from a short mission to Chad where we're...
Infromation web
We launched a new web  , which serves as a source of information for Ukrainian war refugees arriving to the Czech Republic....
Vsechny clanky
member of VSF International


Veterinarians Without Borders Czech Republic

Vétérinaires Sans Frontières Tchéquie


Veterinarians Without Borders Czech Republic (VSF-cz) is a Public Benefit Corporation established according to the Act No. 248/1995 Coll by the end of the year 2009. The main goal of the VSF-cz is providing the developmental and humanitarian assistance/help abroad as well as in the Czech Republic, in the area of veterinary and human medicine, agriculture and community development.

Healthy Animals, Healthy People

turkana boy with dog

Help us to help the others!

  • patron of VSF-cz
  • patron of VSF-cz
  • patron of VSF-cz
  • 2018
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  • 2018