Veterináři bez hranic

Veterináři bez hranic ČR, o.p.s.; Vétérinaires Sans Frontières Tchéquie


New field project in Chad
Last week, our team represented by dr. Barbora Cervena and dr. Simon Holik got back from a short mission to Chad where we're...
Infromation web
We launched a new web  , which serves as a source of information for Ukrainian war refugees arriving to the Czech Republic....
Vsechny clanky

Most of our media activities are in Czech language (official language spoken in the Czech Republic). Below you can enjoy two examples of our exposure in media:


Prof. David Modrý in Czech televisionext

Co-founder and director of Veterinarians without Borders CR, Prof. David Modrý, was invited as a host of the popular Czech Television series "Sama doma" to talk about our recent activities.

You can see the interview in the archiveext.


VSF-cz help also in the Czech Republic (Czech television reportage),ext

In this very popular Czech Television series "Chcete me", you will learn more about our project "Aging together", through which we help senior people who cannot afford veterinary care for their pets.

In corona times, seniors are more isolated, often living alone with their dogs or cats, who are very important to them. Unfortunately, some of them need costly medical care.

You will see how we have helped Mrs. Bernyskova and her dog Nero.

Reportage to be watched hereext.


  • patron of VSF-cz
  • patron of VSF-cz
  • patron of VSF-cz
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